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Vehicle Tours

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An example of Tour tickets sold to travel on buses with drivers supplied

  • Page:
    Tours - Setting up Bus Tours (SaaSplications Online Help) — This document covers the setup required to run bus tours.  Tour definitions, Special Pricing, Agents, Agent Tour Codes, Branches, Destinations, Suppliers, Services, Hotels, Routes, Schedules, Tour Pricing, Promotions, Drivers, Driver Rosters, Commissions, Drivers Leave, Concierges
  • Page:
    Tours - Running Bus Tours (SaaSplications Online Help) — This document covers how to run bus tours. It covers the Projected Profitability report, Planning Capacity including Tours, transfers, Charters and Incentives, Planning a day drivers and vehicles, validation, driver rosters, the Tour Run and provides a multi-day tour example
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    Tours - Paying Suppliers (SaaSplications Online Help) — When the tours are completed and suppliers are to be paid, review history to compare with invoices, create the invoice across multiple dates and record the payment 
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    Tours - Entering Bookings (SaaSplications Online Help) — This document covers setting up Agents and Concierges, entering tour bookings, invoices, payment, validations, Accommodation, incomplete booking list
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    Tours - Drivers Portal (SaaSplications Online Help) — This document covers the Tour Drivers Portal and the activities done by the driver in the portal.
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    Tours - After the Tours - Collecting money from Travel Agents (SaaSplications Online Help) — This training document covers creating invoices for Agents, general collections and refers to other documents for paying suppliers and staff
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    Email Templates (SaaSplications Online Help)
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    Correspondence explained (SaaSplications Online Help)
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    Collecting Debt from Customers (SaaSplications Online Help)

 See also

Admin Role

Finance Role

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