Companies are entities you do business with and the parents of Debtor Maintenance and Creditor Maintenance as are Person.
Employees are linked to companies through /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055010
Company Details Tab
- '''Search code'''. Can /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916 from here
- '''Profile''' is used to treat different companies differently
- '''Private''' is for general companies
- '''Government''' has tax implications however is information only
- '''Semi-Government'''
- '''Unknown'''
- '''ACN''' is Australian Companies Number
- '''ABN''' is Australian Business Number
- '''Roles''' shows if this organiser is Debtor, Creditor or both
- '''S''' allows a lookup of this organisation on Sensis
- '''Address''' is used for correspondence and shipping
- '''Primary Contact details''' - note this is not a person in the system
- '''Base Currency''' determines the currency to use for Purchase Order from PO to Goods Receipts and Sales Orders
- '''Parent Company''' enables you to define a hierarchy of companies and is used when the parent pays the childs bills
- '''Store Number''' - customers store number
Contact Details and Logo Tab
Contact email. Can capture logo or images here Special Button enables actions (note the same menu is exposed on Person screen)
- Address Cleanup - Administrator only
- Export Current
- Export All
- Import
- Sync Latebound Metadata - Administrator only - reloads all datebase metadata such as screen labels where this function is turned on
- Ensure all images are in local filesystem - where images need to be exposed to external systems as URLs they need to be on file system (as well as in a blob on the database). This ensures all images are on file system for companies in the system
- Update Missing Locations
- Make this Entity local or Global to current host company you are logged into. Global companies are able to be selected on Fixed Asset Register and deprecition as owners or renters
- Randomise all names - administrator only - in order to create masked demo data
Profile Tab
- Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
- Events
- Lists /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055019 that the company has participated in as client, host, supporter, supplier etc.
- Enables a message to be sent to the company - or to copy an inbound message to track history. Not all emails sent by the system to this company can be seen here
Audit Tab
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
, multiple selections available,