When cash is being collected (eg by van drivers) for transactions
Banking Batches are auto-created by the system - One per driver / till / etc per day
Credit Card Batches are not included in cash / cheque counting when the credit card payments are collected via integration to eWay. In this situation the credit card transactions will attach to the eway batch and be cleared in the bank reconciliation - see Creating and Managing Bank Accounts # Credit Card Payments using credit card gateways like Eway
Transactions then attach to the batch as the day proceeds. Examples:
- A till will attach every cash / cheque transaction for the day
- A bus run or delivery run will attach every payment taken by a driver
To Count the money for a delivery run
Batch is created by the system when the payments are entered (Action Finalise waybill - create payments and rollbacks)
Payment Batch Created
Count the Cash (Mark As Counted after first count)
Create Cash Discrepancy Journal
Lock the Batch once second count (Status > Lock Batch)
Locking the batch indicates that the batch is ready to be consolidated with other batches to be banked