Secure features give users the Authority to do things. They are attached to Roles.
- If the user has a Role that has the Secure Feature 'Can See Item Buy Price' with a Qualifier greater than 0 then the 'Average Cost' field on the Article form (Stock menu, Articles) Prices tab will be enabled
- Any user will see on the supplier > Articles supplied list > will see columns "Supplier Part Number" and "Supplier Part Name"
List of secure features
- If user has qualifier > 0 then upload spreadsheet of SKU changes including a column "Average Cost" or "AvCost" will update the average cost and write a journal. User without a qualifier will be notified by a yellow note that the average cost change failed
- Enables RRP update on Furniture Wizard where estimating new RRP to charge
List of secure features
Secure features are listed here by functional area, with the details of what they do.
- Enable Secure and Encrypted check boxes on Symbols Config form (Administration menu, Configuration, Symbols Config)
- Enable 'Company/Context Specific?' check box on Symbols Config form (Administration menu, Configuration, Symbols Config)
- Can see and update encrypted value on Symbols Config form (Administration menu, Configuration, Symbols Config)
- Can save or delete Secure Symbols Config (Secure box ticked) (Administration menu, Configuration, Symbols Config). Also requires 'Can Maintain Config' secure feature.
Email Copy
- Any employee with a role of 'Email Copy' will be included in the To, CC and BCC lists of all composed emails.
Host Company Manager
- Can update "Tenant Specific" Custom name on GL Chart of Accounts Accounts
- Allows modification of Host Company
- Shared Instances this feature is available to system managers only (ie persons who support all users of the shared instance).
- Can update Article CategoriesAdds a report on Debtor - "All Open Transactions" (used for invoice factoring and Octet)
- Adds columns to Debtor Aging - Phone number, Email Address
- Can sync shopify stock articles and available stock to shopify store
Commissions Manager
- Can set % / $ commissions on Creditor and Debtor
See also 33042179 and 33042179
Note that from the debtor screen creation of invoices, payments or credit notes will not be available if the entity is "invoice my parent" or "invoice my buying group"
Maintain B E Details .... Note:B E stands for "Business Entity"
- Allow Save of Debtor Payment with Payment Method of Credit Card, which will process credit card payment
- Allow 'Authorise Now' option from Authorise menu on Debtor Payment form, which will process credit card payment
- A Non Zero Value will allow visibility of the "Merchant" Value on Host Company (your business/s) bank accounts - this is where the merchant code is entered for gateways like Eway Credit Card Gateway Module
- Required to do POS cash count if credit cards used in POS
Can change invoice due date
- Price list
- Rating on customer - used for stock assignment
- Exclude Sales from Raw Sales Data - used for stock sales forecasting
- Fields in "Standard Profile" on Customer
- Can Credit Delivery Fees on Sales orders
Is Rental Manager
Can see Venue Rent values (otherwise hidden)
Event Specific Features
Can Remove All Attendees
- Allow delete of any event attendee (Events menu, Event Maintenance, Attendees tab)
- List Journal Batches marked Private that I did not create in the Journal Batch form (GL menu, Batches) Batch Locator tab
- List Journal Batches marked Private that I did not create in the Batch drop-down list of various journal forms
- Qualifier >= 10 = can reopen POS Credit Card Batchs
Can Change Account Opening Balance
- Journals that are created by the system are locked to avoid being changed. This feature allows a user to modify locked journals including delete them.
Modify Reversed Journals
- Can save or delete reversed journals
Can Reverse Invoices
- User can reverse existing invoices - creates a mirror invoice and allocates it.
Modify Reversed Journals
- Can save or delete reversed journals
Post Journals Into Closed Bank Rec
- Can save a journal with a line that affects a bank GL account when the journal date is before the latest closed Bank Reconciliation for that account
Rollback Creditors Payment Batch
- on the Pay Suppliers form, Finder tab, there is a right click option to 'Rollback payment batch'. This action will unallocate and delete all journals in the batch, set the batch to Cancelled status, write an entry in the system event log showing the suppliers and payment amounts in the batch and set the Pay Suppliers batch back to Plan status.
- Can create asset initial value from linked Creditor Invoices
- Can create Monthly mass depreciation journals
- Can adjust Financial Fixed Asset Fields on an Asset - Depreciation Method, Asset Expected Life, Taxable proportion, GL Class.
Notify on Journal Change
- Useful things to know#SystemMessagestoUsers sent on change of any journal in the system
Asset Manager (not yet active)
- Can update general asset details including owner, renter, bank card
Asset Financials (not yet active)
- Purchased / Disposed area
Asset Certificates (not yet active)
- Can update asset certificates
Asset Permissions log (not yet active)
- Can update permissions log
Asset Status Changes (not yet active)
- Can update asset status
Asset Maintenance Details (not yet active)
- Can manage all asset maintenance details
Receive Tyro Discrepancies
- An email is sent if the system transactions do not match the TYRO transactions reported when the POS tells TYRO to close the batch (the file from TYRO is attached to the batch)
Senior Acc ( Senior Accountant )
- Adds a report on Debtor - "All Open Transactions" (used for invoice factoring and Octet)
Manufacturing Specific Features
- Lists all PO's in Sent, Confirmed, Shipped or Received Status
- PO's filtered by employee branch - unless head office
- Same columns and highlights as other PO reports
Users receive a daily email with the following attached
Each purchase order report list for all Branches
Each Move Order Report for all Branches
Receive Purchase Order Overdue Report
- Users receive an email of the daily purchase orders highlighting overdue for their Branch (note reports will be limited to users branch)
- Show 'Set Scan to Sent or Reqd on all lines' button under items list of Scan Receipt form
- Will set Scan quantity to Sent quantity on all lines.
- If Sent quantity is null (shows as 0 in grid), will set Scan to Reqd.
- This will allow this feature to be used for receiving warehouse purchase orders where the Sent or Invoiced quantity might not have been set.
- The Done button must still be clicked to finalise the process.
Receive Marketplace Orders Report
- XLS will be emailed at 1pm each workday with the Wholesale Orders at risk based on PO expected receipt dates
Sales Specific Features
Can Adjust Warranty Expiry
- Enable 'Unit Price' field of a sales order item. Note this field is currently globally disabled and hence not editable on the sales order with this secure feature.
- Users with qualifier > 5 can modify the price of sales orders that are picked but not invoiced
Can Delete Order Notes
- Allow delete of order log entries
- Allow change of order log entries if they have the user's code (i.e. the user generated the note)
- Can save or delete a sales order
- Has options on Agent Sales Order form or Customer Sales Order form status menu
- Marketplace Orders > Manual Parcel Broker > can change courier before order is in Picking status
- Qualifier = 1
- can see other sales reps daily run sheet
- Qualifier > 9
- Can clear Article Stock cache
Is Exempt From Exclusivity Audit
- Enable MATOverride ( /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055206 Target ) for up to 8 weeks from Start Date of Debtor
- Add options 'Cancel and Rollback' and 'Cancel no Rollback' to the Status menu of a Sales Order, if permitted
- Add options 'Cancel Invoice (even if Delivered)' and 'Rollback - unpick - Could not be delivered' to the Status menu of a Sales Order if the order status is Delivered, the order has been invoiced and the Host Company (your business/s) has 'Has Accounting Ledgers?' ticked on the 'G/L and BAS' tab
- Add option 'Record a payment journal for this order*' to Customer Sales Order Status menu if Status is Plan and it is not a Gift Registry order
- Add option 'Authorise this Easy3 order*' to Customer Sales Order Status menu if Status is Plan, 'Payment Method' is 'Easy 3' and the order is not yet invoiced
- Add option 'Authorise this 60D order*' to Customer Sales Order Status menu if Status is Plan, 'Payment Method' is '60 Day Program' and the order is not yet invoiced
- Add option 'This order was lost or misdirected - pick and ship again' to Customer Sales Order Status menu if Status is Despatched and order is not being re-picked and order is either an incentive order less than 40 days old or the order close date is less than 180 days old
- Add options 'Order found - return to stock in shipping warehouse' and 'Order found - Add to consultant warehouse' to Customer Sales Order Status menu if order is missing
- Add option 'Rollback - unpick - Could not be delivered' to the Status menu of an [EDI sales order] (Electronic Data Interchange)
- Add option 'Process import file filename' to Admin menu at bottom of Debtor form, provided that an import file has been loaded using the 'Upload/Import file...' button at the bottom right of the Customer tab
- Enable the 'Payment Date' field of a debtor credit card payment
- Enable the Authorisation field of a debtor payment
- Enable Status field of an Order Batch or Delivery Run
- Enable 'Sales Rep / Batch Owner' selection list of an Order Batch (Customers tab)
- >10 Qualifier > POS will log the logged in user into the POS screen as the sales rep
Can Maintain Article Details
- Allow update of Prices and MaxQty in Price Matrix (Stock menu, Price, Price Matrix)
- Allow update of system generated carton barcode requires a qualifier of 9 or greater.
Can maintain prices
- Allows update of prices in price matrix and price lists
- Allows user to define and update promotions - requires a Qualifier of >0
- Allows user to remove and upload Parcel Broker Freight Rate Tables - requires a Qualifier of >4
- Enable discount fields on sales order to be adjusted ($ and %)
- $ discount is an amount discounted from unit cost - updating $ will calculate %, updating % will calculate $
- Only Discount % is saved (Discount $ is calculated)
- Note $ cannot be adjusted if the article has zero unit cost
- Qualifier > % discount limit. No qualifier = unlimited discount capability
Discount Portal Approver (518)
- Will be placed on the SMS approver list and can accept or reject discount requests
- This feature is also used for Inter-store Transfer requests.
Can Change Used Promotion
Users with no Qualifier get only for stores they are a manager for
Users with qualifier >5 get for all stores
Stock Specific Features
Can see Sales Order Gross Profit
Can Skip Terms And Conditions Signature
- Can approve items that otherwise require an online signature
Can See All Sales Report Columns
- Can see all columns in Sales KPI data reports
Can Confirm Cash Count
- Required to do POS cash count
Stock Specific Features
Can see Sales Order Gross Profit
- Can see Gross Profit on sales order screen
Can Maintain Article Details
- Can save or delete an Article
- Allow update of Prices and MaxQty in Price Matrix (Stock menu, Price, Price Matrix)
- Can update SKU/Item Code in Article - only if qualifier is >0
- Allow update of system generated carton barcode requires a qualifier of 9 or greater.
Can Maintain Item Sell Rate
- Add option 'Move stock' to context menu in display of articles in stock, e.g. Stock menu, Articles, Stock tab or Stock menu, Warehouses and Stock Locations, Stock tab
- Qualifier >0 - can move stock between warehouses with single click from SKU > Stock tab using right click in list
Can Record Stock Adjustment
- Allow saving of Record Stock Adjustment if 'Secure Stock Adjustments' is ticked on Stock Control form (Administration menu, Control, 'Maintain StockControl')
- If this Secure feature "Can Record Stock Adjustment" has a non zero qualifier number when added to a role - then the user can select any GL account from the drop down
- Add option 'Journal stock differences (as reported) and Close (GL Acct GL account)' to Stocktake Action menu if stocktake status is Finalising and there are differences
Execute Store Transfers (273)
- Authority to approve store transfers
Can See Item Buy Price
- See journal details of creditor journals
- See general (COGS, Cost Of Goods Sold) journals for a sales order
- See 'Default Buy Price' on Article tab and 'Average Cost' and 'Alternate Buy Price' on Prices tab of Article form
- Include 'AvgCost' column on Article form Audit tab, Log tab
- Allow list of Cost Of Goods Sold on Article form, Audit tab, COGS tab
- Allow list of Average Cost History on 33042179 form, Audit tab, AvgCostHistory tab
- Include 'AvgCost' column on Price List form (Stock menu, Price, Price Lists) Prices tab
- Include 'AvgCost' column on Price Matrix form (Stock menu, Price, Price Matrix)
- Include 'AvgCost' column on Stock Location form (Stock menu, Stock Location) Valuation tab
- Include 'AvgCost' column on Stock Location form (Stock menu, Stock Location) Reports tab
- See Total value of Purchase Order
- See fields 'Unit Price', 'Requested Unit Price', Value and 'Value Inc Tax' in Purchase Order from PO to Goods Receipt items
- Note - if the Qualifier is >0
- then the user can also update average cost. An associated journal will be created. All changes to average cost are tracked.
- Can see Cost and Sell Price columns on Repair Symptoms setup screen
- XLS upload can upload average cost
If user does not have the secure feature
Rest of record updated
Yellow note Indicates average cost not updated due to lack of secure feature
- Can see Cost and Sell Price columns on Repair Symptoms setup screen
- Can run reports on Stocktake of value changes due to stocktake
- Add option 'Recalc Sell rate for all articles' to Special menu at bottom of Article form
- Add option 'Update Item sales history' to Special menu on Forecasting form (Purchase menu, Forecasting)
- Enable 'Use By' field on article stock display, e.g. Stock menu, Articles, Stock tab or Stock menu, Warehouses and Stock Locations, Stock tab
- Enable Quantity field on article stock display, e.g. Stock menu, Articles, Stock tab or Stock menu, Stock Location, Stock tab, only if 'Allow Unjournalled stock adjustments' is ticked on Stock Control form (Administration menu, Control, Maintain StockControl)
- Enable the article search code field on the order batch picking form (Sales menu, Daily Runs (Batches), Pick a Batch), centre bottom
- Allow creation of stock from a stocktake
- Can make Stock Locations Archived
- Enable import of min max levels by warehouse
- If the Host Company also has credentials for the API for Channel Advisor
- Push available qty to Channel Advisor (absolute) all SKU's
- IF dirty sku list has items > Push available qty to Channel Advisor (absolute) Dirty SKU's
- Sync from Channel Advisor (Get CA ID from SKU)
- Qualifier = 1
- Remove Excess Stock from Retail store form > enables SOH and Sell Rate and Weeks Cover Values
- Enable: SKU Screen > Status > Email Stock Allocation Email to me now
Article Assembly Maintenance
- User receives email of all late store order batches
Inspection specific Features
Manage Inspections
- Can modify the inspection templates
Review inspections
Receive Available Stock Report
- Sends email each day of available stock (about 2am)
- Can manually trigger email. SKU > Audit Tab (choose a warehouse or group) > Action > "Email Stock Allocations to me now"
- Uses warehouse set on employee - if not warehouse set the report will not be sent.
- Qualifier > 0
- Sends Stock Valuation report each day (about 2am)
- Can manually trigger stock valuation send (SKU > Action > "Stock Valuation Email Test")
Inspection specific Features
Manage Inspections
- Can modify the inspection templates
Review inspections
- Can review inspections that have been submitted for review
- NonZero Qualifier = Can do 3rd/expert inspection reviews
- Symptom prices can be changed on a repair between the two limits only
- Qualifier >0 allows lower or higher than limits
Is Repair Technician
- Can track time on a Repair, add parts and update symptoms
Receive Retail O O S Alert
- Email template (Repair / Alert / Management) is sent if a part is used on a repair and there is no stock of that part
Change Symptom Repair Price
- No qualifier > can see reports only for the entity they are logged into
- Qualifier > 1 can see all Franchisees regardless of the entity they are logged into
Missing Repairable Parts
Receive an email when a repairable bag is sealed in store without scanning all parts.
Receive an email when a repairable bag is closed in warehouse without scanning all parts.
Bookings Specific Features
Drivers and Cash Counting Specific Features
Can Confirm Cash Count
Used to determine who can confirm other peoples cash counts - and hence who can see across cash counts.
- User needs to also have access to the entity through employee context