Record Stock Adjustment

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Record Stock Adjustment

Table of Contents

General overview

Adjusting stock creates a Financial Journal in the system.  So does adjusting the Average Cost on a SKU.

Special Case of Assembling Kits

Kits are made up from components and it is very simple to assemble kits in a single action.  Note that this does not work for Kits that require configuration.

Adding or removing stock from the SKU

Right click

Stock Adjustment Screen

To adjust stock up or down this screen can be used. It is designed to be used for one Article at a time.

Stocktake mass creates stock adjustments based on counts - see Stock Take

If you want the journal linked to an order - select it here (or later enter the link on the journal)

% claimable amount is only allowed if the supplier has a GL Claim account - this will create a claim line - see Supplier Claims based on supplier funded promotions, Customer Returns, Stock Write offs

Create user and time will be tracked

The Created Journal

System generated description will be created in the journal

To review stock adjustments have a look at the Article#Audit_Tab

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