Perishable Items Module
Perishable items have expiry dates, batch numbers, traceability requirements and customer minimum expiry durations.
- The Perishable Goods Sales Order will show stock availability based on meeting the minimum expiry duration required by the customer.
- Perishable item Forecasting/wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054930 has a detailed view by item of stock expected movements using sell rates, known sales orders, purchase orders and is sensitive to two different minimum expiry durations (normally large supermarkets require longer minimum expiry durations).
- Warehouses and Stock LocationLocationss can track HACCP Temperature and track cleaning using QA Test Groups for reporting purposes
- Perishable Item Returns tracks returns or damage to stock
- Supplier Claims based on supplier funded promotions, Customer Returns, Stock Write offs for promotions or short dated stock
- Where used Report provides quick recall information based on raw materials or finished goods supplied
- Working in Manufacturing includes perishable item requirements
See Perishable items Management