Sales Order Fulfillment

Sales Order Fulfillment

Why would you use this report?  If you have a scarce stock situation and cannot fulfill all orders, or cannot fulfill 100% of each order and want to work out which orders you should ship.

This Report runs between two dates to determines which sales orders can be fulfilled - showing a % of the items (4 items of an order for 5 is 80%) and the $ value that can be shipped now.

What is the logic?

  1. First "Authorised" Orders are reviewed
    1. Using the Expected Delivery date
      1. For each day
        1. In order of order size (smallest orders first)
          1. Check what % of total items can be shipped now (Stock is available)
          2. Calculate what $ of the order can be shipped
          3. Reduce available stock by the amount used on the order
          4. Next order
  2. Then Orders in "Plan" Status are reviewed in the same way.

The result is a list of orders showing the $ amount and the % amount that you can get out the door now.

This report also creates a list of all product in the warehouse that will remain after all these orders are shipped.