Thumbprint Scanner Setup

Thumbprint Scanner Setup

Thumbprint scanners are used at the POS or where authentication is required for a transaction - example timesheet capture.

Not all Thumbprint scanners will operate seamlessly - please contact with details.

  • Point of Sale (POS): The thumbprint scanner is used to identify the person who is capturing the sales order
  • Repairs: the thumbprint scanner is used to identify the person who initiated the repair (for sales analysis purposes)

The thumbprint scanner is connected via USB to the computer you are using. 

  • Each person needs to record their thumbprint (The person needs to login to the system using their own login - then capture their thumbprint.)
  • The thumbprint is stored once and then can be used on any of the scanners across the network

Steps to capture a fingerprint scan master

Individuals login using their unique login to the system on a computer with a fingerprint scanner connected and driver installed.  

Enroll my Biometrics screen

  • Swipe a single finger 4 times until the save button is enabled
  • Save 
  • a single fingerprint has been captured.  

The system uses a single fingerprint for security reasons

User PIN codes

Update the users Pin while they are logged in. 

In cases when the fingerprint scanner hardware has failed or is not responding - users can use their initials and PIN code (different to their login password).

The use of pin numbers is open to abuse - so it is discouraged, logged and monitored

Thumbprint Scanner Setup on the computer

Download the driver from FECPOS.com > Download section > Peripherals > top thumbprint > download then install

Audit Trails

Capturing and updating the fingerprint

Use of fingerprint or Pin in the system

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