Fingerprint Scanners

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Fingerprint Scanners

Fingerprint scanners can be used to authenticate transactions.

The scanner needs to be attached via USB to the windows machine and the biometrics driver need to be installed.

To capture your fingerprint - navigate to the biometrics screen from "My Details"

Enter your initials and Pin 

Initials and PIN are stored on the employee card

Swipe the barcode scanner 4X to capture the images required - OF A SINGLE FINGER 

  • Only a single fingerprint will be stored - ie only one finger for each person

The system will indicate if the 4X fingerprints scans are similar enough to securely indicate the final print recorded

Save the fingerprint.

Now whenever the fingerprint is requested swipe the reader to be authenticated.  The system can use the fingerprint to identify any person with recorded scans.

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