Using Tyro in a Clinic

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Using Tyro in a Clinic

Tyro is a way of

  • Claiming from Health funds while in store

  • capturing customer credit card payments when they are in store.

Payments may be

  1. For your business - the funds go to your bank account

    1. These transactions do NOT create a journal in your business - however they are tracked

  2. For your clinicians business - the funds go to your clinicians bank account

    1. These transactions DO create a journal in your business

      1. Journals are batched together for matching with Tyro daily payments for reconcilation

Each claim is for a Therapist (across multiple therapies)

  • If a customer sees multiple therapists across your session - you will need to present your card multiple times (once per therapist)

  • The claim is linked to the Therapy Session

Claiming from Health Funds


Modalities are the various types of allied health services provided, e.g. dental, optical etc. Allied health providers will have been issued with a provider number for the modality that they specialise in. The modality needs to be passed through for each claim in the field serviceType. They are:


D General Dentist
H Occupational Therapist
O Optometrist
1 Osteopath
P Physiotherapist
F Podiatrist
Y Psychologist
E Dietitian
S Speech Pathologist
B Acupuncturist
M Remedial massage therapist
C Chiropractor
U Exercise Physiology
J Myotherapy
3 Endodontist
4 Oral Surgeon
5 Orthodontist
6 Paedodontist (Paediatric)
7 Periodontist
8 Prosthodontist
Z Optical Dispenser
0 Dental Technician

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