Customer Stock levels

Customer Stock levels

Some Customers require reps to count their current stock levels and recommend a replenishment or refill order.

  • Some customers allow the Rep to order
  • Some want to review the proposed order with the Rep.

A customer stock level count

  • Has a list of items ordered in the last number of weeks as set in Maintain Stock Control Settings from Host Company (your business/s)
  • Allows entry for each SKU a current count value
    • For Clothing items has a style / size matrix
  • Compares the current count value to a target value as last entered by the Rep
    • The rep can update the target value if required.
    • A warning symbol will show if insufficient stock is available to reach target values
  • Customer and Rep can review the count and recommended target value
  • Sales order is created for enough stock to reach target values (or as much stock as is available)
  • Sales order is reviewed and confirmed ready to be picked.