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Product Influencer Campaigns
Influencers are commonly used to promote products for consumers - here we are considering major campaigns rather than individual influencers.
A key influencer is provided a list of products to promote
Hundreds of orders are sent to people they nominate as influencers (at zero revenue)
Orders start to flow into the business based on the influencers
Hence the campaign has the following attributes
A key influencer which is a supplier
A list of products they are promoting
A date range they are promoting the items for
A comparison date range - to compare their impact to normal sales
Individual influencers can be provided a lead source that is passed to a website order and used to link that sale to their link. However here we are considering a larger campaign.
Calculation of Results
Orders that have revenue are considered customer orders
Orders that have no revenue are considered a campaign cost (sent to individual influencers)
Other expenses (Creditor Invoice lines) can be linked directly to the campaign (regardless of date of expense)
Creditor invoices to the campaign owner linked to the campaign at the creditor invoice line level are considered influencer payments
Comparison date range - uses the start date entered and goes for the same number of days as the influencer campaign dates.
Example results overview
Setting up an influencer Campaign
The Campaign Owner
A Campaign owner is a Supplier (they want to be paid) that has been ticked “is Influencer” - a creditor profile option turned on from the host company
The list of products
A saved list of products can be created using the Playlist
Stock Article > Page: Play Area > Button “Create / Restart list” - creates a blank list
Stock Article > Page: Finder > search for a list of products
Multi-select the results list > Right click > Add to Play List
Repeat until play list has all products linked to the campaign
Stock Article > Page: Play Area > TAB: Saved Lists
Create a new list
Name, Campaign owner, Date Range > Save
Note: if the business has Franchisee’s then you can tick if each franchisee where orders should be included in the results.
Button: More > Copy Items from playlist replacing list (count of items)
Note - to modify a saved list
First copy it to the play list
Then modify it (adding or removing items)
The replace the current list linked to the saved list
Linking Creditor invoices
Creditor invoice lines linked to the campaign are reported at the GL Account level
Creditor invoices linked at the line level to the campaign owner are reported separately.
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