5. Franchise Payments - Professional Reports Franchise

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5. Franchise Payments - Professional Reports Franchise

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This is an example of use of SaaSplications - every business is different and SaaSplications is extremely flexible


Franchise network involves

  1. A franchisor
    1. Manages the national budget, is paid franchise fees from the franchisees
  2. Franchisees that own an area - eg the state of NSW.  
    1. They manage all orders in that state
    2. They define prices for customers to pay
    3. They assign and own the relationship with external contract inspectors who fill in the reports
    4. They negotiation % paid to contractors and sub franchises
  3. Sub-Franchises that own some suburbs

Managing the payments involved

Franchisee payments to franchisor payments

Based on business metrics.  Create Debtor Invoice / Creditor invoice using the calculation results

Franchisee commissions payments to external Contract Inspectors

The Contractor is an Employee and also a Supplier (Creditor)

The % paid to the contractor for each Job they carry out is maintained on the Creditor.  Requires Secure Features#CommissionsManager

They may have an ABN but not be registered for GST. If they are not registered for GST then their commission % is calculated on the PreGST amount not the post GST amount

Franchisee commission payments to Sub Franchisee's

Sub Franchisee's own a block of suburbs.  The commission is set on the Area.  Requires Secure Features#CommissionsManager

Creating RCTI's for contract Inspectors

Contract Inspectors earn a % of the value of every job they undertake + % of any job deferral fee if they were scheduled to complete a job the customer deferred on the day.  

Inspectors only become eligible for the payment once the report is completed = Ready RCTI will show as ticked

  • Status to "review OK – ready to send to client"
  • For for off system jobs 
    • on submit status = Submitted...  then the job will require to be approved before Ready to RCTI will be ticked.

A review is provided of the jobs that are completed and ready for contract inspector payment - the Franchisee then selects the ones to pay now (or use select all)

A journal line is created for each of the jobs and linked to the job.

Expenses based on claims are paid on invoice and are not part of the RCTI process.

RCTI Creditor Invoices will have a subtype of "RCTI"

Creating RCTI's for Sub Franchisee's

A Sub-Franchisee earns a % of every job that is completed in the area they own - this is in addition to the contract inspector calculation as they are normally also contract inspectors.

A review is provided of the jobs that are completed and ready for sub-franchise payment - the Franchisee then selects the ones to pay now (or use select all)

A journal line is created for each of the jobs and linked to the job.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au