Adding New Configurable products

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Adding New Configurable products


The system uses settings to enable

  1. Sales Configurator

  2. Sourcing processes

  3. Fabrication

Product Sales Configurator Settings

Product configuration Images

Steps in the product configurator

  1. Product Category

    1. Product category flags = “Featured” and “Article”

    2. Images from the product category

  2. Product Brand

    1. Optional level of navigation

    2. Image on brand

    3. Must be flagged “is house brand”

  3. Product Collection

    1. Ranges defined within Brands

    2. Image from the range

    3. Flag if Bundles are REQUIRED (ie normally a sofa is made from a bundle of components)

  4. Product Style

    1. Individual SKU

    2. Image from the SKU Web image


  1. Selected Product configuration page

    1. Product Category images at top

    2. Product Thumbnails in grid

    3. Product Web images from click on thumbnail

  2. Attachment of images to order lines

    1. Select an order line to attach to

      1. Will display available system images

        1. Add to order button if required

      2. Can drag and drop images / PDF to attach - select to rename if required

        1. Note > PDF’s are only visible after download

The product Configurator lists products that are

  1. Article Category flags “Featured” and “Articles”

  2. SKU

    1. Assembly type = Configuration

  3. Has an attached Assembly

  4. Images

    1. Thumb image is displayed in the product selection grid

    2. Website image is displayed if the Thumb image in the grid is pressed

    3. Website image can be added to the quote images

The Assembly is defined on the SKU

  1. SKU choice > indicates default SKU

  2. Product Category > indicates a choice is required within the category

    1. If both product category and SKU choice is set then a default value exists

    2. if product category is not set then the choice is mandatory

  3. Qty = default quantity

  4. Max Quantity = maximum allowed

  5. Sequence = indicates the order the options should be presented to the user

Assembly components

  1. Article Category

    1. Browse by brand > will require drill from brand to list of products by brand

      1. Brand is setup centrally and is normally supplier specific

    2. More detail required when selling > indicates data not held in the system will be required - example colour of a fabric

    3. Default Classification (creates a default classification on new SKU’s created)

      1. Fabrication component - SKU selected by the configurator that is stocked or purchased to order

        1. Example material range (colour entered during configurator as note on the order line)

        2. Example Legs or Duck Down Filled Cushions

      2. Non-Stock / Consumable - SKU selected by the configurator that is not stocked

        1. Example Fill or foam choices that used for pricing and manufacturing instructions

Setup of a new Product example - Sofa

Create product category

Add the Brand and Range

Define first the brand > then ranges within the brand

Set images both at the brand level and the range level

Add the Sofa

From any existing SKU can Copy > Clear > Paste - change the item code as required

Key items to set

  1. Assembly = Configuration

  2. Product Status = Active

  3. Buy/Sell = buy and sell (if purchased from others), otherwise sell

  4. If always manufactured to order > Do not stock

  5. If manufactured internally > is Manufactured flag

  6. RRP and default buy price

  7. Price GST setting = GST-inc

  8. Supplier (if required) part number and name

  9. Physical dimensions (will be default dimensions)

  10. Images (both thumb and Website)

Setup the Leg Component product category

Setup the Material Product Category

Setup Seat Cushion Fill Category

Setup the SKU Assembly

If a SKU is selected then it will be the default value

If a Product Category is selected then configurator will display items from that category to pick from

  1. If there is NOT a MAX quantity > then the component is included in the white price


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