Furniture Retail Setup

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Furniture Retail Setup

This page overviews the setup process for a new furniture retail business

  1. Setup the Host Companies

    1. Normal to have a head office and then a branch or multiple branch offices

      1. Branch offices can be all in one ABN (one Host Company - franchisor set as Head Office)

      2. or can be Franchisee style separate ABNS (one Host company Each - franchisor set as Head Office)

    2. Upload a logo image to appear on emails, orders, invoices, quotes and the portal

  2. Adjust the email templates (starting point provided)

  3. Setup the chart of accounts (can import or can use starting point from SaaSplications)

  4. Setup the Products

    1. Product Categories first

      1. Products that are configured > tick “Articles”

      2. Services that are offered > tick “services”

      3. Special consideration

        1. Material coverings - normal to have SKU at style level then enter colour

          1. Tick “browse by brand” > Nav configuration wizard by brand then Style

          2. Tick “more detail required when selling” > will make colour entry mandatory

      4. Add images that will show in the configuration wizard

    2. Product Brands and Ranges

      1. Note - if you import products with a brand and Range via spreadsheet upload > brands and ranges will be created for you. Ranges are within brands

      2. Setup images used at the brand level and the range level

    3. Create Products

      1. Simplest way is to import using xls see Importing Articles Process

      2. If not stocked > set as “do not stock” then system will expect it is needed to be purchased


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