Tours - Drivers Portal

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Tours - Drivers Portal

Table of Contents


This document covers the Tour Drivers Portal and the activities done by the driver in the portal.

Driver logs in

Username and password gets you to the dashboard

Drivers can view the roster of all drivers

Driver confirms they are driving next day

If the driver does not confirm the day before - they will not be able to view their manifest on the day of travel.

Driver does pre-start checks

Driver reports Vehicle issues (anytime)

It will be shown against the Vehicle

Before the vehicle check is completed - you can change vehicles

If you do not have a run - you can replace an existing driver

Todays Run

Driver views the manifest

Manifest is not visible until the driver has done the prestart checks

Driver picks up passengers

  • Booking moves to on board

Driver takes payments - credit cards / cash for the booking or payment for lunches.

Note - the $ amount is now editable in case the system calculated value is not correct.  The number of lunches created is directly related to the booking number of passengers

When the Driver sells additional lunches the system finds the number of Adults and Children on the booking - takes payment.  The lunch count for the run is updated - so later it appears on the supplier reconciliation.  

Driver sends lunch order to venue

The email template is then sent to the restaurant

  • The email is sent to the list of contacts on the Company Card of type "Email address for lunch/meal orders"

The Return Manifest

Shows the passengers to be taken back and their destinations.  Mark them off as they alight.

The Roster View

Allows a view of other drivers on the same roster as you

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