B2C / Web Order Dashboard

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B2C / Web Order Dashboard

When selling to the public consumers or small companies, the orders tend to be small.  The most efficient way to pack them is to

  1. Mass pick all the required items from the warehouse to an intermediate location
  2. Pick from the intermediate location for each order and pack it.

How to use the dashboard

  1. Batch orders to be picked : New Orders (Unbatched, Released)
    1. The dashboard shows all web orders that have not yet been batched
      1. Right click to remove orders from the list
    2. "Put into batch and implode for picking" button to create a pick list
      1. The items required for the orders will then be picked
  2. Start Packing: Recent Batches Tab
    1. Find your recent batch of orders
      1. Navigate to each order
        1. Cartonising is available on the  "Customer Order History / Advanced Details Tab" and will tell you the cartons required for the order
        2. Pack using the sales order list of items
        3. Status Menu - "This Order is Picked / Packed / Create invoice" once completed.
          1. Order will move to Status Packed
        4. Status Menu -  "Print Carton Packing Sheets" will print packing sheets to screen for the order
        5. Status Menu - "Print/ Preview Invoice" will print the invoice to screen.

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