Payments from Delivery Runs for Drivers
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Payments from Delivery Runs for Drivers
For counting the cash collected on a Delivery Run NAV: Driver > Cash Reconciliation - this screen once opened is labelled "Journal Batch".
- Batches are autocreated by Delivery run or Bus run
- Find the batch - this will have all the journals for cash from your run
- Count the cash
- Use "Spend Money" screen to enter any money you spent (parking, etc) from the cash - making sure you link it to the batch
- Check the figures
- Total: is the Total of all the money that should have been collected on the run - either by cc or by cash, cheque etc
- Expected: is amount that is paying for that run only.
- Total Spent: is the total of all expenses you have entered.
- Total Cash is the total cash that should have been collected.
- Note that the total cash may be more than the expected because some people might pay more than required.
- The total of the cash plus the expenses should be equal - if not a value will show in Cash discrepancy
- Once you have finished your count
- Action menu - Counted.
- The batch will move status to counted.
- Action menu - Counted.
Person doing Second Count - note that this person needs a /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054890 with the Secure Feature "Confirm Cash Count"
- Next step is a double check by another person of the cash count using Banking Batches - NAV: GL > Banking > Banking Batches
- Find the Batch in the list of cash batches and select it
- Batch Details Tab:
- Select the bank account you plan to put the cash into
- Count the cash (this is a second count comparing with the drivers count) - save once confirmed
- Journals Tab:
- you can review the journals in the batch - the cash payments created and expenses
- If there is a cash discrepancy (the value will be noted for the batch selected) - create a cash discrepancy journal that will be added to the batch so it balances correctly.
- Lock the Batch
- Now the batch will be on locked side of the Journals Tab (refresh the list)
- Batch Details Tab:
- Consolidate and Print Button - this will print the paperwork to take to the bank (number of notes and total cash by bank account)
- Close these batches -Journal into bank account button - this will create a line on your bank account for the expected cash being deposited
- count the cash into separate bags (one for each bank account) and go to the bank and make the deposit
, multiple selections available,
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