Shopify Integration

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Shopify Integration


Shopify is a online shopping experience that has many features of interest to some customers.

Before using Shopify compare the differences with using our system as your website


Shopify Shopping Cart

SaaSplications Shopping Cart


Shopify Shopping Cart

SaaSplications Shopping Cart


Simple Templated Product - fast to setup with limited options, few customer decisions required

Tailored Product - longer to setup with unlimited options


Simplistic stock definitions, separate customer records, batch integration of stock levels

Longer setup time

Customer decisions required




Live Stock Levels

Batch only - sent regularly - eg per day or per hour


Orders into SaaSplications

Batch eg per 15 mins or hour

Live - visible as soon as started

Historical Orders visible to customer

Only shopify orders visible

Live - All orders visible

Customer Logins and Balances

Has separate account details - requires integration if required

Uses existing accounts / contacts / roles all visible

Customer Credits

Not available

Can be used to partially pay orders


custom work required

can process online including uploading photos and creating credit notes

Online payment

Many payment methods

All methods same as in core application


Orders put in location awaiting pickup, stock picked up regularly.

not required

If you still want to use Shopify - then here is the details


For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au