Perishable Goods Sales Order
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Perishable Goods Sales Order
To rapidly enter a sales order for customers eg Coles this screen is very similar to EDI Sales Orders
How to use Perishable Goods Sales Order
Finding an existing order
Enter the order number - or use Debtor Maintenance or Sales Order Register to find the order
Entering a new order
- Find the customer name
- Enter the Person Placing the order (mandatory field)
- Save the Order - order will be in plan status
- Use dropdown list of previously ordered products to quickly find items they have ordered in last 13 weeks - or search for an item
- Check on hand available quantity
- Enter Quantity for the order line
- Save Item to add to order line
- Repeat for more items
- Review '''Order History Tab''' to see recent item quantity and dates to determine other items they may wish to order
- When finished - Authorise order using '''Status''' Button
- Order may be on hold (see Stop Supply (also known as Credit Hold) and Sales Order Hold Status ).
- A sales manager role is required to remove a customer on hold or progress an order that is on hold as it has the relevant secure feature.
- Order will become Authorised
Exclusivity Audit
See 'Exclusivity Audit status' at the bottom of Exclusivity Audit.
Progressing Orders
- Review status history on '''Delivery/Log/Financial/Order''' Tab and any related documents (invoice, credit note, journals)
- Use Status button to progress to next status (note that options available depend on your role and the current state of the order)
- Orders are commonly progressed using the /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055150 process to mass Authorise and Mass pick the orders onto the truck
Detailed Fields on the Perishable Goods Sales Order Screen
Customer/Contact area
- Debtor Maintenance code can /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916
- Terms will show from Debtor
- Address will show from Company
- Contact will show from Company
- Cash sale indicates an over the counter sale
- *Loyalty/Audit Button will open the /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055200 screen
- Loyalty discount shows the discount that is applied before any other discounts and is based on the Loyalty Audit
General Area
- Order Number is unique ID and can /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916. Will autocreate for new order
- PO Number is free text area to track your customers PO number
- Person Placing Order is customer contact
- Address
- Delivery method
- Pack/Ship Date is when the order was packed and shipped
- Expected Delivery date from the customer
- Weight from Gross Weight if any - otherwise Net Mass
- Volume from Gross Volume x packing factor if any - otherwise net volume x packing factor
Status Information
- Status button allows next steps
- Adjacent field shows current status
- Sales Rep is from Debtor Maintenance
- Order Batch provides a list of active batches from the /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055150 the order may be added to for picking and delivery
- Notes for general notes
- Delivery Charge
Order Lines
Double click to populate any line into the area to make changes and it will populate to the top line
- Choose an item using /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916
- List of items this customer has ordered in the past is available to use
- Can add/change Quantity
- Unit Price is normal price for the item. Review Pricing when you sell products for general information
- Discount allows discounts to be added to the line item - and may be limited by Roles
- Value = (Quantity x Unit Price) based on the customers price
- Second Value = (Quantity x Value Price) where "Value price" is on Article and can be used as a reference price
- Promotions Wizard provides access to the Promotions Module that are available
- Select the promotion to consider
- Select multiplier if adding multiples of the promotion
- If qualifying items are required - you can add them in the top part of the grid
- Once bonus has been achieved you can select bonus items from the bottom part of the grid
- OK- adds the lines to the sales order
- On hand, on order totals and ETA for new stock will show on RHS to provide visibility to stock available
- To create Credit Notes for lines on the order (only for invoiced orders and order lines that are not in Plan Status)
- Rightclick on lines (CNTR-click or SHFT-click to select multiple) and then rightclick
- Debtor Credit Note will be created
- The total quantity and amount for each line will be populated
- Adjust Quantity for each line - this will then multiply by the Amt. (price from the order) to update the total amount for the journal
- Save once completed
In the Grid
- Code is Article unique identifier
- Name is name for the Article
- Order is quantity ordered
- Ship is quantity shipped
- Deliver is quantity delivered
- Price is final price
- Discount is discount provided
- Total is Quantity x (Price less discount)
- Notes for the line
- Use by dates that is tracked
- Status of the line
- Promotion that may have been used in the past
Order History Tab
Shows the history of all items ordered by this debtor over time
Log/Financial Tab
This is where any relevant journals will be visible
- COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)
- Credits created
- Refunds Created
- General journals reversing the original order lines that are being returned.
- Audit Area
- Shows changes to fields that are Audit tracked - when they were changed and by whom
, multiple selections available,
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