Cancelling a booking

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Cancelling a booking

Cancellation Fees

  • if the cancellation request is within 24 hours (loss of deposit)

  • within 3 hours (full fee payable)

  • If the Therapist decides a full cancellation fee is required a decision may be over-ridden

If a deposit was paid and is forfeit then no transaction is required

If a deposit was paid and is not forfeit

  1. Credit is default

  2. Refund is an option > Need to create a pending refund transaction and indicate the payment method used on the last order


if a deposit was not paid and is forfeit

  1. The deposit can be collected immediately in the POS (or on the next visit)

if the full fee is payable and has not been paid

  1. The fee (or balance after the deposit) can be collected immediately via the POS (or on the next visit)

Refunding the customer their money as they cancel

Normally customer is not in the clinic when they cancel

System will limit the refund to the amount taken for that

Default action is to create a credit note that can be applied to other sessions and this avoids the refund fee

If the customer is not in the clinic

Used when the customer calls up

If the customer has a remembered card

Select from the remembered card

  • Refund fee is charged by default ( waive using tickbox)

  • use - “Refund Now Button”

If the customer does not have a remembered card

Enter the customer card details

  • tick if card is to be remembered

  • Refund fee is charged by default ( waive using tickbox)

  • use “Refund Now Button”

If the customer is in the clinic and their card is present


  • Refund fee is charged by default ( waive using tickbox)

  • Select “Refund via POS Checkout”

  • Refund Journal will be created (set to “Pending”) and autoapply in the POS

Refund Journal

Clinic contacted to cancel the appointment

Client usually calls, sends an SMS or an email requesting to cancel their appointment

Find session in calendar > right click > cancel session > enter reason notes and if fee to be waived

Within 3 hours possible take full payment

  • Room Renters within 3 hours normally require full fee, 3 hours to 24 is loss of deposit

Cancellation when no deposit taken and no fee required

Customer online cancelling an appointment

Customer portal to have cancellation process with associated impacts explained

Therapist contacted by a customer and cancelling/changing an appointment

  • They also can currently liaise directly with their practitioner who logs the changes via Portal

Therapist portal to have

  1. Find the next session for the person searching by user

  2. Cancellation options as per clinic

  3. Review of recent cancellations + ability to over-ride cancellation fee decision (Reverse created credit note)

Later Therapist can waive fee if new booking in n days

Therapist to have a list of cancelled sessions

  1. Fully paid

  2. Deposit kept

  3. Deposit Credited

Room Renter Therapist:

  1. Can Reduce fee to zero or a reduced amount as long as a replacement booking made in n days

    1. Replacement booking to check for possible credits

Not a room renter

cannot over-ride admin decision

Finding Cancelled Appointments for a person / date

POS bookings in the future / past button to include a colour for cancellations (orange background ?)


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