After an Appointment - Take Payment book future sessions

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After an Appointment - Take Payment book future sessions

Client finishes with Therapist comes to front desk to finalise and pay for appointment

  • Client finishes with therapist. Comes to front desk to pay and finalise that appt

View current future bookings

All todays sessions will be added to the POS

Even transactions that are fully paid will be added to the POS with zero to pay

If One of the Sessions consumed the last of a bulk buy

  1. Alert user that they have used the last bulk buy (additional note if they also have future bookings that would not be covered by a bulk buy)

Discuss other Sessions, products, bundles, bulk buys to add

Use Services wizard to add bookings if required

Add Bulk Buy in same transaction

Service completed today > allow a bulk buy to be purchased today and used

  1. Existing deposit paid to credit the overall payment

  2. Bulk Buy total to be added to the transaction

  3. The Bulk buy quantity to consider one used

Final Payment to include

Balance of bookings just attended

  1. Balance to pay is after any deposit that was paid

  2. Balance to pay is after any bulk purchases that need to be applied

  3. Journal created moves funds from deposits to sale where required

Future bookings made

  1. Deposit Required

    1. Can be manually waived

    2. Can insist on full amount up front

    3. Will not be required if bulk buys exist

    4. Will not be required if credit exists in a bundle

Stock items

Other items purchased

  1. Scan into the POS

  2. May have been prescribed by the therapist (will copy to the POS)

Bulk Buys or Bundles added



Payment from Heath Fund

The payment from the health fund may be more or less than the total in the POS transaction

  • Where it is less - a balance payment is required

  • Where it is more - a credit will be created (that can be refunded)

Payments via credit card/s

Payment is possible via multiple cards - use the special menu

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