Appointment Status View

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Appointment Status View


Dashboard Appointment Status View and associated Badges

Todays view

  1. Can mark started

Today and all other dates

  1. Can move bookings

  2. Can cancel bookings

  3. Can open to edit bookings

Appointment Dashboard Colour

  1. White where space exists

  2. Pink where no bookings can be added

  3. Lines for every 15 mins

  4. Column for every room / therapist combination

Appointments Colours

  1. Green > not yet started

  2. Yellow > customer has arrived (right click)

  3. Grey > completed (POS fully paid

Appointment Badges on Calendar View


  1. Appointment based

    1. Problem - the problem flag may have been ticked

      1. Manually

      2. SMS response that is not y or yes (requires manual removal of problem flag)

    2. SMS Confirmed > customer has confirmed by sms or manual tick of confirmed

    3. First Visit > initial visit for a therapy

  2. Client Based

    1. Family and Friends > Client tickbox

    2. New Client > first ever visit

    3. Difficult Client > Debtor has a waitlist comment

    4. Medical Condition Alert > Client as medical alert comments

    5. Child 16 or under

  3. Accounting Based

    1. Account is in arrears

    2. Future bookings with no deposit

    3. Bulk Buys on Account not yet booked

    4. Last Bulk Buy / Bundle item being used today

Therapist Portal View

The therapist will see

  1. Todays appointments (including status)

  2. Other appointments their customers have (before or after the session with them)

    1. so they know where to pick them up or take them

  3. Can open an appointment

    1. View survey results

    2. view booking details

    3. view previous sessions details

    4. Prescribe products

    5. Make notes




  • Previous system

    • Pale Blue – Booked

    • Confirmed – Dark Green

    • Left Message – Light Green

    • Turned up/Started - Orange

    • Completed - Grey

    • No Show/Cancelled – Red 

    • Online Bookings to be confirmed – Purple 

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