Clinic End of Day

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Clinic End of Day

End of Day Checks

Therapy - End of Day Checks

End of Today

All bookings marked as OK are listed

Double Click on a booking

Options are:

Missed/Cancelled - Click on Missed Cancelled

Option to Waive cancellation fee with reason

Option to Cancel this session with Refund and maybe Waive refund fee

Option to Cancel this session and Invoice Customer (with or without Cancellation fee)


Pay Now - Opens the booking in the POS for payment to be taken

When payment taken booking comes off dashboard


Chase Payment - Sets Mark this session as problem and problem is Payment not collected

Deal with these from the Problem Dashboard

EOD Count the Cash

End of Day Cash Count - from the POS the next morning if not done last night


Log in with Initials and Password and Block POS cash transactions

Enter a count for each of the cash items

Count complete and Close POS (unusual time if done next morning)

Journal Batch is printed with Cash Deposit Total


POS Cash Count (for opening cash) Block POS cash transactions

Enter opening cash counts

Count complete and close the window - ready for next day processing


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