Finalising a Payment / Make a Sale
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Finalising a Payment / Make a Sale
- 1 Daily opening cash balance count
- 2 Regular cash balance counts
- 3 Open POS
- 4 POS > find customer
- 5 Add new sessions or products or bundles or bulk buys
- 6 Finalise > Take Hicaps payment
- 7 Finalise use Voucher / Credit for part payment
- 8 Finalise > Take balance payment
- 9 Staff discounts
- 10 End of day Cash counting at the POS
- 11 Banking the cash counted
Daily opening cash balance count
Regular cash balance counts
Open POS
POS > find customer
Any sessions attended today will populate in the POS
Add new sessions or products or bundles or bulk buys
Finalise > Take Hicaps payment
Finalise use Voucher / Credit for part payment
Finalise > Take balance payment
Staff discounts
Discounts can be entered manually - need a promotion ?
End of day Cash counting at the POS
Banking the cash counted
For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au