Freight Actuals Uploaded from Supplier Invoices

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Freight Actuals Uploaded from Supplier Invoices

Freight analysis and upload of Freight Actuals for sales orders

Capabilities include:

  • Mapping of Freight Actual data (Excel or CSV) from a selected Broker/Courier

  • View to:

    • allow for courier statements to be uploaded and persisted

    • provide reports on freight actuals where:

      • actuals do not equal estimates

      • actuals equal estimates

      • no actuals exist

 Mapping Data

Carriers send XLS sheets with different columns of data that need to be uploaded.

Data is mapped from the uploaded Excel or CSV files for a particular parcel broker/courier by using the Courier Statement Mapping view accessed from the menu item Suppliers-->Import/Upload-->Courier statement mappings.

Each piece of uploaded data may be mapped by:

  1. Selecting the relevant business entity for the parcel broker/courier in question.

  2. Choosing the relevant Saasplications Data Type (field) to map to.

  3. Entering the exact column name containing the relevant data into the Heading text box.

  4. Clicking the save icon.

  5. Go back to step 1 until all relevant fields have been mapped.



Uploading Parcel Broker/Courier Statement Data

Data can be uploaded, reviewed and then actioned.

  • Data can be re-uploaded and actuals updated from a new upload if there was found to be a problem.

Data is uploaded from an Excel or CSV file by using the Courier Statement view accessed from the menu item Suppliers→Import/Upload→Courier statements and reconciliation, and selecting the Upload tab.

  1. Select the relevant parcel broker/courier from the list

    1. only contains parcel brokers/couriers who have mapped data (see above).

  2. Drag and drop the relevant Excel or CSV file into the main window and click Yes to upload

  3. From the Action menu

    1. select Process uploaded statement

      1. The results will then be presented in the main window, showing any differences between the freight estimate/freight actual on the order/freight actual uploaded.

    2. Save freight actuals (to the database)

      1. this will store the upload but not update the sales orders so it can be reviewed in detail before applying it

    3. Apply freight actuals against order

      1. This will update the actual value on the order

      2. This does not create any journals in the system or over-write any existing data (unless actuals were previously entered)

    4. Overwrite current freight from uploaded statement (if actuals already exist on the order)

      1. If there are any exceptions where the freight actual on the order doesn’t match the uploaded value - this overwrites the sales orders freight actual value

Freight Actual Report

Freight actual data can be reported on by using the new Courier Statement view accessed from the menu item Suppliers→Import/Upload→Courier statements and reconciliation, and selecting the Report tab. The report filters provide the options to filter:

  1. By a date range = the date of the customer order (Order_Date)

  2. For a specific parcel broker/courier combination.

  3. For specific sales order types.

  4. For a specific warehouse.

The type of report to run can be specified from the Action menu. The report types available are:

  • Show where estimates do not equal actuals

  • Show where estimates equal actuals

  • Show orders missing actuals

Once the report has run, any data found will be displayed in the top grid. Also, the Number of Differences (if any) and the Total Difference Value will be displayed above the top grid. You have the ability to drill down into more details for each sales order in the top grid by right clicking the relevant row and selecting Show Details from the context menu. The additional details for the selected sales order will be shown in the bottom grid. You can add any number of sales orders to the bottom grid in this way.


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