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Journal Templates

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Journals that repeat and are very similar each time they are used can be saved as a template

Creating a Journal Template

From any Journal, invoice, payment, refund, General Journal etc in the System

Or create directly in the screen

There are only a few fields different from journals

Using a Journal Template

Find your template in the master list

Status > New Journal

Note the Journal created will depend on the Journal Type that was used to create it

Eg - General Journal

When you use the template - it will open the created journal so you can edit it before saving it.


Journals are not created automatically by the system - they have to be manually created.

The Next Due date is updated when a New Journal created from a Standing Journal is saved for the first time. It is updated relative to the current Next Due date and incremented by the Period Unit and Period Quantity.

The Period Unit can be:

  1. Daily n days to the Next Due date
  2. Weekly n x 7 days to the Next Due date
  3. Fortnightly n x 14 days to the Next Due date
  4. Monthly n months to the Next Due date ( same day in the new month )
    1. If the new month has fewer days than the day then the day will be the last day of the month.
    2. The Day field, is used to 'remember' the day of the month for the next update, e.g. 31 would be 31 May, 30 Jun, 31 July. 
  5. Annually n years to the Next Due date ( same day and month in the new year. )
  6. Manual :The Next Due date is not updated automatically. The Next Due date can be updated manually at any time for any Standing Journal

Journals Created tab

Displays a list of all of the journals created from the Standing Journal displayed on the Journal tab  This is useful when checking to see which journals you have created recently or need to create.

Archives List - Attempt to delete a used Journal Template

Once a Journal Template has been used - it cannot be deleted but it can be archived.  From here you can review old Journal templates and the journals they created.

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