Creating new Customers and Suppliers

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Creating new Customers and Suppliers

Many areas of the system will autocreate customers and suppliers once a person or company exists in the system.

Ways to create a customer or supplier

  1. After putting in a person or company

    1. note the company is the level the FX currency is set and cannot be changed once a Creditor or Debtor exists

    2. click the relevant button on the screen to create creditor or debtor

    3. in the debtor or creditor screen - enter the search code or find the company or person > the creditor or debtor will autocreate if the logged in user has authority to create

  2. Online Orders or Bookings > will autocreate a relevent customer (person or company)

  3. Using a mass import - see Importing Leads, Customers, Suppliers, People and Companies

After creation visit the screen and setup the appropriate settings.


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