Followup Correspondence

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Followup Correspondence

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Followups enable any interaction with a customer / supplier or internal person about orders (sales and Purchase orders), invoices (or other journals), interactions with external or internal staff (calls or emails) to be flagged as needing followup.

The followup can optionally be assigned to a person in the organisation with a date and if required time.

The Global Followup View

Any person with the role "Follow ups" will get Community > Followups Screen

Can review all followups across the business and open the related records

Can filter to only "My Follow Ups".

Prioritisation can only be set when viewing the list of followups.

 Correspondence Tab

The Correspondence Tab (found throughout the system) has a highlight to show any correspondance that has a follow up set.  Tick to set as a followup - then optionally set a person, date and time.

Follow up Tab

The Lead, Customer and Supplier forms all have a Followup tab filtered to only deal with followups for that type of record.

Ie all lead followups will show on the lead followup form

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