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Klavio (Marketing Automation)


Symbol Configs

  • RunKlaviyoDaemon - True/False - turn the Klaviyo daemon on/off

  • KlaviyoBatchSize - the number of records to send to Klaviyo in a single call (batch). The total number of records to import are broken up into batch size chunks

  • KlaviyoErrorEmailRecipients - a comma separated list of email addresses to email Klaviyo errors to

  • KlaviyoSuccessEmailRecipients - a comma separated list of email addresses to email Klaviyo successfully imported records to

  • KlaviyoTestMaxRecords - used when API is set to test mode to limit the total number of records to import into Klaviyo

  • KlaviyoLastSync - the last time Klaviyo was synchronised (updated by system)

Integration settings on Host Company

  • Integration API : set to Klaviyo

  • Mode: set to Test or Production (test mode will only send through a subset of records)

  • Password is the Private API key as issued within Klaviyo

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