Adding New Fields to the system

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Adding New Fields to the system

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Adding new fields in the system

New fields are defined in the Simple Profile Type screen to display in the system.

There are a number of different types of fields you can add - and you can add them to:

  1. Stock Articles
  2. Business Entities (Companies, Persons)
  3. Relationships (Debtors, Creditors)
  4. Leads



Select from a list of options (ENUM) - added to a Stock Article

Note a ENUM can be either Radio buttons or use a Dropdown

Select a Boolean (yes / no) - added to a Stock Article

Select from a list of options (ENUM) - added to a Debtor

Note a ENUM can be either Radio buttons or use a Dropdown

A Number will limit the values that can be entered to Numeric only - example on Stock Article

A number may also have the measure (units) indicated to ensure consistent entry.

A String allows anything to be entered - example on Company and Person

Special Types

There is a list of special types - this indicates the system will use the Item profile in different situations


  • Allergen = Allergen list


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