Setting up ePayroll settings in the system

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Setting up ePayroll settings in the system

When configuring payroll information to work with ePayroll.

Note that Salary staff will not need to do time sheets and their setup will be done only in ePayroll

Setup your integration link to ePayroll at the Host Company level

  1. Our system integrates with ePayroll and needs to have the username and password to use when talking with ePayroll.  These details are held on your company (Host Company)
  2. Enter the details here

Enter pay codes to be used on time sheets for staff that do time sheets to be passed to ePayroll

  1. Paycodes will hold summaries of the hours or $ to pay an employee for.  A Timesheet will need to be filled in for each employee for each pay period with pay codes they need to be paid for.
    1. Navigate to update the pay codes
    2. Enter the relevant information

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