Problems with your Website

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Problems with your Website

If your website stops working (getting information from our system)

  1. Can you get to your website
    1. If not - it could be your internet connection errors
    2. if not - it could be the hosting provider
  2. Using Chrome - hit F12 - look for red errors
    1. If you find Red Errors - then the website itself has problems.  The web developer needs to fix these as they are javascript or html or other website coding error
  3. If no red errors
    1. Then there is a chance it is a server problem
    2. F12 will show all debug traffic to and from the server
      1. Look at the XML to find error / failure / method not found or other server messages then call us and we will diagnose
        1. We will need the URL
        2. We will need the exact steps to reproduce
        3. We will need to know the expected behaviour
        4. We will need to know when it was last working
        5. We can then test and diagnose the problem


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