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The main difference between a Member or Business Associate Login and a normal Employee login is the security framework. The security framework is reversed for a Member.
- A Employee has all functions as possible by default - capabilities can be taken away
- A Member login has all functions not possible by default - capabilities need to be explicitly provided to the role
- Member logins are used by external accountants and other persons who need access to some information or capabilities in the system. You can provide access only to one Host company at a time (one person can be given access to multiple Host Company (your business/s) 's)
- Persons can have logins - to see if a person has a login navigate to the Person and view the Events/Relationships Tab showing the list of relationships they have they have.
How to use Member Screen
- Navigate to Master List - rightclick refresh to populate, doubleclick to select
- Person or Properties
- * Check person record has an email address
- Roles or Profiles Tab - add roles for the person to use - this determines the screens they can see
- Assign company membership to determine the information they can view
- Assign membership if they pay a regular charge for access to the system
- Allow Login Flag set if want them to login
- Save Navigate to Person or Properties
- Check Advanced or Contact Tab for Login code
- Password button to update password (Remember to save after entry of passwords)
- Special button to send login reminder email
General Tab
- Link to the Person
- Description
- Allow Login to
- Start date, end date
- Status
- Sequence
- Last Login or Logout
- Email address the system uses to send information
- Memberships this member has
- Invoice amount paid for this membership
- Open amount currently due
- Invoice details
- Member of company is which of your organisations the member has a membership for
Card Scan Tab
Correspondence Tab
The ability to track communications and also to send emails
Roles or Profile Tab
Links the roles that the member will have on login and this determines the screens that can be seen.
Master List Tab
Lists all members in the system
, multiple selections available,
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